Today, I came to the following conclusion: doing laundry is my labor of love. Mark can be kind of "freakish" about his clothing. His normal outfit, although he would never say the word "outfit", consists of a polo shirt, jeans, a pair of white ankle socks and his Roper dress shoes.
You wouldn't think that laundry could really add up that much since he is so simple, but it does... quickly. And Marky does things opposite of the way I would do them. For example, he does not hang his polos, he folds them... not a big deal, but it was an adaptation I had to make when doing laundry for two.
When I did laundry today, it had accumulated for about a week. I try to do it every other day, but I was sick and very busy last week, so here we were. Today, I folded about 100 pairs of ankle socks (2 pair were mine), 75 polos, 14 pairs of jeans (2 pair were mine), roughly 300 pair of underwear... etc. My dear husband has definitely added a lot of housework to my list, but I honestly do NOT mind.
I love my husband so much. I love him through words and actions, but I now notice that I love him through laundry. I think of him every single time I fold a polo, pair of sock, underwear, or jeans. I love taking care of things around the house for my husband, because I know when he gets home to a clean home with clean clothes, he will appreciate that so much.
Moral of my story: I do laundry because I love my husband. :)
I enjoyed reading while you "aired your laundry"...cheesy, I know, but I'm related to my dad. Anyways...I find the similarities and differences, b/w the brothers a lot of fun! For example, Austin hangs everything! Even old t-shirts, much less polos. Also, you just can't fold his socks...there is no use. He prefers them thrown in a pile, and likes to grab the matches the morning of...weird!